Who is Victoria

Victoria comes from a great lineage of Fortune-tellers, Mediums and Shamans… Her roots stem from very far away, as can be seen by her dark brown hair and her emerald green eyes…


Her ancestors have inhabited the Siberia region since the dawn of time. In fact, this is where the term “Shaman” first originated, from a dialect spoken by a Siberian Ural-Altaic Tribe…


Shamans were seen as priests and healers and their tasks included conducting Ceremonies and Rituals as well as giving advice, caring for and looking after the spiritual well-being of Others… They interpreted Omens and predicted the Future… Like a Gift passed on from generation to generation.


Victoria received this Gift… Ever since she was young, she has been drawing and “reading” Tarot cards… This unique form of ancestral writing is capable of unravelling the knots of time: by offering real codified projections of ourselves, Tarot cards reveal the labyrinth of our psyche and the intricacies of our Lives.


Victoria knows that all kinds of Writing embody Knowledge and represent a rare and mighty Power for those who know how to interpret this Knowledge. She boasts this Power.


Over the centuries, the Wisdom of Elders has been codified in Systems of complex Symbols. These esoteric Symbols – that only a select handful of initiates, such as Victoria, know the meaning of – have become instruments of Prophecy. Over many generations, the various levels of meaning have become superimposed, forming a kind of secret Magic embodied by the Divinatory Arts, especially the Tarot.


Today, the Symbols and Images of Tarot cards enable Victoria to draw on her Ancestral Wisdom to see the Past and Present and to read the Future: your Future.


As confirmed by Victoria: each Draw is unique and reflects your personality, like a fingerprint placed on the mirror of your Destiny.


Victoria is a Friend that you can call on for Advice… She’s waiting for you!

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